Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Possible end to the chewing gum saga

I noted my displeasure in the last post of being challenged for chewing gum in the college's theater. My primary problem was what I felt was being singled out while others continued to chew. Secondly, indeed, I thought it a bit childish.

Well, I have been in contact with a college official, who has sought out answers for me and reported back. Turns out, according to the official, gum is a big problem for the college. Cleaning crews have to spend a day trying to remove gum from seats and the floor. And, says the official, there is signage at both entrances speaking of no food, drinks or gum inside the theater. Furthermore, the report is that numerous people were challenged and not just me and the wife.

And, says the official, re-instruction is going to be done on how best to handle a patron's gum.

All that sounds good to me. I guess. But it still does not answer how I was made to feel. Not satisfactorily, anyway.

If gum is that big a problem (and I am not doubting that it is), I suggest that an announcement should be made at the beginning to the effect that gum is not allowed in the theater, nor food and drinks. The announcer would tell those assembled to please omit chewing gum, that the reason for that is that cleanup is a terrible cost to the college. Or something like that.

I think if the above announcement was made, patrons would take the good choice and place their gum in a wrapper, and go on and enjoy the show. There is something bad about being challenged as an individual for a violation, when it could be done better.

Even though I missed the signage, and have for years, I do not feel bad for voicing a concern, a situation that made me feel terribly bad at a moment I should have felt really good.

Anyway, that is the rest of the story. Now I know the rest of the story, and if you are reading, you do, too.

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