Saturday, April 4, 2009

Obamas' visit to the Queen refreshing

You gotta hand it to this new president and his lady. They really seem to be making pluses for themselves and us as they move around the world. I like that.

Imagine the President of the United States of America giving the Queen of England an I-Pod, so I hear! That has got to be cool, and an indicator of a new generation coming into being. How does that compare with a framed portrait of the Queen and her hubby? Well, it shows the new generation coming in and the old one hanging on, I think.

There's more: who touches the Queen, the Brits say? No one? Well, stood by and watch. There was an embrace both ways, of the Queen to the First Lady and of the First Lady to the Queen. That, too, is refreshing. We need a little love indicated around, don't we? All this before time standoffness hasn't produced much. Time for folks to appreciate each other, doing so with a little embrace.

Not sure the world has fully understood the importance of what has happened. The sages are still trying to describe it. The opine writers are, too.

And, we even hear Obama came away with a relationship with the French at the G-20. How about that. Coming up with a better relationship has to be better than trying to redefine french fries, or so I think.

So where will it end. You gotta just watch, because no telling where this goes. It is a new way to go, though. Besides, it can't get worse, now can it?

Just wanted to say something that will be a part of history, or so I think. Not what I said, but what they did in a new era of relations, a new generation coming on with a better approach to deplomacy.

But, but, but..... just when we thing worldwide deplomacy might be improving, North Korea goes ballistic!

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