Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Cap and Trade/Energy Bill

Here I go again! Raising a red flag! This time it is because the House of Representatives slid a bill through that was proposed by the Administration that, as reported, will make huge economic changes, possibly to our detriment, in our lives.

Wish I knew more about the provisions of the bill. But what I am hearing, a lot from the Fox network - and maybe CNN is talking the same, is that this is going to cost us individually hugely. It worries me that it seems not much debate was made in the House. It worries me that such a huge bill would pass and not much be said about it. Frankly, I did not know anything about it until a friend of mine emailed me a couple of days ago all distraught.

I think we want energy looked at. I think we want to loose ourselves from the choke hold of foreign oil. I think we might should be concerned about global warming, although there seems to be quite a few who say the alarm is being rung too loudly. But I think non of us wants to pay for it; at least, we don't want to pay what we don't have. Isn't that a kick?

Fact is, many of us cannot afford to pay for it, from what I am hearing now. Maybe the Administration is taking too big a chew? I don't know, but I don't like what I hear. For example, houses have to be made 30 percent more energy efficient. And that does not just apply to new houses. It applies to us when we want to sell our house. Isn't that a kick?

Somebody needs to tell me what all that means. I do hope the Senate is more cautionary than I think the House was. I often complain about all the deliberation in the Senate as I watch on C-SPAN, but now I want them to slow it so that provisions can be debated to come with a solution that we all can live with. People, the Senate in this case, gotta also think about the people.

Maybe there is no easy solution, but all factors have to be weighed, and we must do what we have to in small enough steps that we can bring everybody along in their state of readiness.
I know here I stand the risk of talking where I do not know, but it is on my mind, for sure.

One thing more: The Obama administration sure seems to be coming out in mass change. Frankly, again, I am worried. We need to see what happens with one before we swing so rapidly into the other is my gut feeling.

There, I have raised my Red Flag. I feel better.

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