Our nation is always divided on something. Now it is health care. Sometimes I think I have never heard it so mean between opponents to issues. Then I think of Civil Rights, Dr. Martin Luther King, the election of 2001, Watergate, of Vietnam, of Woodstock, of Dot Coms , Clinton's haircut. You name it. Every issue has sides, and the sides are usually fiercely opposing each other. What has been still is.
My hospital stay
As Rodney King said, "Why can't we just be friends" (wasn't it he?).
Lines have been drawn in the sand before. No need to wish they were not. There are times when the right (and I mean right) must just press on. Seek consensus, but when the day is done, do what is right, and move on.
We need changes. Too many people cannot get insurance. What is available is going out of sight on cost. Too many people with pre existing conditions have to pay way too much if they can get coverage at all. The Public Option will have to be there.
Hopefully, for me, this is the year.
It is not that I need change. I am pretty well off, thank you. But I am concerned about those who need help, and I don't look on that as a bad position. We must be concerned as a nation about those who have needs. Still.
So I am in hope that after all is said and done a bill can be advanced and the President will sign it.
Love it and love you!