Thursday, April 9, 2009

Time to re-boot

"Re-boot" is a term used in computers. There comes a time when it is necessary to re-boot the computer. I learned that one about the first of my computer operating days.

Somehow, and don't ask me to explain it, things inside the computer get sorta out of order. By shutting down the puter and waiting a minute or two (I am not sure how long.) before restarting, it gives the puter a chance to put everything back in the order that it should be. And it generally works. The puter is designed to heal itself.

Just the other day on my laptop I was have a problem bringing up my email program. For me, if the email does not work, the puter does not work! That is where I spend the most of my puter time. So, I thought, time to re-boot.

I shut down the puter, waited a minute or two, and brought it back up. Wham O! The email program worked. I was back in business. The puter had restored everything just right, or set in order - or done whatever it is designed to do in that respect. I was a happy camper. My re-boot worked just like it has always worked on so many occasions before.

Wouldn't it be something if we could re-boot everything. I am thinking about our financial and economy things now. But more than that (or less, depending or how you are thinking), wouldn't it be something if we could re-boot our minds! Our minds do get out of order, too, much like my puter and its email program.

I guess a good night's rest is sorta like re-booting the mind, especially when we wake to a new, fresh, bright new day. After a good rest our minds come awake refreshed, re-booted.

Sometimes we can re-boot by just changing our thought process, too. Many of us do that. Many of us need to do that. I know I do from time to time. I can get to thinking about something that needs fixing, and it begins to worry me, and worry me, and worry me. I can fix it by just shutting it off, which I will call re-booting.

Shutting it out of our minds is sometimes hard. But it can be done. It might not be as easy as pushing the terminate (shut down) button, but it can be done.

We do need to think in terms of re-booting our minds. Lots of us do.

It it time to re-boot. Bye.

1 comment:

  1. I used to say I was gonna "ctrl + alt + delete" myself a lot. :) Same idea.
