Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Our littleness

The volcano up in Iceland reminds me: how little we are compared to the greater part of it all. Twenty-four thousand miles around this planet, with billions and billions of people around the globe, and one "little" volcano disrupts the global economy because of a disruption of air travel - just one. Does that tell me something? You bet it does.

Thinking back to 9-11 (does anybody remember that?) and how the tumbling of two New York towers almost brought the whole global to a stood still. And there was Rita and, oh, yes, Katrina! And Wall Street. The housing bubble bust! And on it goes. Each one demonstrating how little we (all of us) really are.

Back to Iceland. To me, a God follower, a Christian, it almost seemed like God coughing, saying, "Won't you folks listen?" Yes, I do believe that God put it all together. Certainly, that might lead us (me) to wonder why He did not do a better job? Could he not have made it so the earth did not belch from time to time? Sure He could have, I think, but I don't know what He was working with when he did it. Could have been that His "formula" required a corrective belch from time to time? Maybe so. I did hear recently with regard to an earthquake (Oh, I forgot that one!!!), how the movement caused some realignment is some expected constants we work with.

Anyway, if you think about it, you get my drift. We, each, are so minute that we don't even register in the larger view of things. Yet, we think we do! In our own little realm we are huge, but only in that. We think we do until we wind up camping out in the airport passenger boarding room because we can't get a flight out for days on days! Who woulda thought that jet engines could clog up with ash turned glass while flying so high and just shut down? We thought jets were so unfailable? "Faster than a......" (Remember Superman?) somehow has lost all significance.

Yep. Pretty small, we are. But, knowing that, we should think more about the bigger things, especially the "Big Guy" who put it all into motion. Especially, knowing, as I do and hope you do, that He cares for little old me, no matter how small a speck I am on the face of eternity.

1 comment:

  1. I agree. I kind of snicker when I hear people on TV complaining about their flights being disrupted. It seems so self-important, as if nature should not be allowed to do that. The volcanoes ultimately work to replenish the land in a beautiful yet awe inspiring way. Since God is Nature, maybe that's part of his plan - His showing us that from time to time.
